What is 3-30-3 Messaging & Why Does It Work?

Written by Melanie Klag | Aug 31, 2020 1:37:49 PM

We live in a fast-paced, immediate satisfaction kind of world. Grabbing your audience’s attention quickly is a necessity. Your organization must be able to get its message or story across in an intriguing manner that draws the consumer in, convincing them that they need more. Then, deliver the rest of the message in a cohesive manner. That’s where our 3-30-3TM messaging strategy comes into play. You have three seconds to get their attention, 30 seconds to intrigue them a little more, and three minutes to fully relay your brand story. 3-30-3 is rooted in our psychology; it’s the way our brains operate! Here’s the complete breakdown of 3-30-3.

Unpacking 3-30-3 Messaging

3 seconds: Three seconds is all you have to make a great first impression. With this quick tagline, you need to convey your message and make it stick. It needs to be something the consumer will remember, that will intrigue them into wanting more information, but it must also be recognizable to your organization. We all know a number of three second messages without even realizing it. “Just Do It,” “I’m Loving It,” “Got Milk?” Without even saying the company, you know to whom these three-second messages belong. That’s precisely what you are after in your company’s three-second message – something synonymous to and indicative to your brand. It’s your calling card.

30 seconds: The quick 3-second message has resonated, and you have bought more attention. With 30-second content, you get to expand on your three-second message and truly convey your mission to your prospective consumer/client. This will give your audience an understanding of your organization and your message. Often, this is enough for a person to decide if they want to invest additional time in your company or organization. You’ll need to give them exactly what they are looking for in this quick 30-second message to get them to buy in further. 

3 minutes: If you got your audience this far, great job! This is your time to shine and relay everything you can offer your target audience or potential prospect. In this brand message, you will want to talk about the benefits you offer, your differentiators and give them a full understanding of your company or what you offer. This is your chance to prove why you are more superior than a competitor, so make sure your message is tailored to your target. Once you have someone engaged in your three-minute message, they are considered a highly qualified lead. Focus on keeping them engaged. One way to do this is to offer more content by entering them in an eblast campaign that includes blogs, helpful tips, new ideas, product information, videos and more.

Do You Need Help With Your 3-30-3 Messaging?

If you are still reading this, we accomplished our goal of 3-30-3! The headline caused you to click on it, the introduction paragraph intrigued you enough to want to read more, and the whole blog article fully explained and/or answered all of your questions about 3-30-3 messaging. When thinking about the message you want to deliver to your prospects or current customers, you have to think about it in the confines of 3-30-3, so you can ensure you are making an impact. This goes for all content – from blogs to videos to social media and, especially, your website. If you want to talk more about how 3-30-3 can work for your company, reach out to The Impact Group today.

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