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Best Practices and Strategies for Schools to Combat Deep Fakes

Posted by Phil Herman on May 20, 2024 1:31:40 PM

“Uh, Dad? I think you should see this,” my 13-year-old son said carefully as he handed me his cell phone.

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Topics: Crisis Communications, brand management

Navigating Crisis Communications in a 'Fake News' World

Posted by Kelly Konya on Mar 11, 2019 8:01:00 AM

Ever since the popularization of social media began taking hold in the early 2000s, public relations teams have been forced to adapt to the three-headed giant of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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Topics: Online Content, Social Media, Crisis Communications, Press Releases, Communications

Examining Perspective: Engaging with Difficult People

Posted by Chris DiMauro on Feb 19, 2019 10:59:13 AM

In his New York Times bestseller, Principles, billionaire investor and philanthropist Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Consulting, challenges leaders to willingly and purposefully accept their most uncomfortable realities as a part of a comprehensive strategy for success.

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Topics: Marketing Best Practices, Engagement, Business Development, Employee satisfaction, Motivation, Work Environment, Crisis Communications, Communications

The Golden Rules of Crisis Management

Posted by Mike Dianetti on Jun 11, 2018 8:07:31 AM

Regardless of the field your company operates in, you are bound to confront a crisis. Crises are oftentimes unavoidable, quickly putting you in a position where your reputation may be damaged and the public may lose faith in your values.

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Topics: Marketing Best Practices, Outsourcing, Crisis Communications