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Growing Resilience with Mindfulness

Posted by Shannon Speaks, MSSA, LISW-S, ACC on Jun 20, 2024 3:34:42 PM

In case you wondered if resilience is something you can grow, I gave it away in the title. It’s true! You can grow resilience.

Consider this resiliency equation by Army Veteran & scholar Elizabeth Stanley:

Stress + Recovery = RESILIENCE

If you think about your life, it’s likely that one part of this equation is already covered…the stress part! A critical part of resilience is stress.  But stress alone does not a resilient person make. We must also recover in order to grow resilience.

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Topics: leadership, guest blogger, mindfulness

Best Practices and Strategies for Schools to Combat Deep Fakes

Posted by Phil Herman on May 20, 2024 1:31:40 PM

“Uh, Dad? I think you should see this,” my 13-year-old son said carefully as he handed me his cell phone.

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Topics: Crisis Communications, brand management

Mastering The Art of The Presentation: Orchestrate Your Way To Success

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on May 7, 2024 3:22:10 PM

In the realm of presentations, the difference between captivating your audience or losing their attention often lies in the orchestration of your delivery. Much like a symphony conductor commands the attention of an orchestra, a skilled presenter can captivate their audience by orchestrating a seamless blend of content, body language, and interaction. 

However, hitting the right notes in your presentation is no small feat, especially if you don’t follow the right preparatory steps. Let’s dive into the key elements of crafting an unforgettable presentation that leaves your audience engaged.

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Topics: Engagement, Business Development, Marketing, Personal Growth, Strategic Communications, Presentation Skills

Why is appreciation important in the workplace?

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on Apr 25, 2024 2:33:51 PM

In our latest Digital Leadership Academy webinar, we explored the importance of appreciology within an organization or team. Why is appreciation so needed – and often so neglected – as a leadership skill? Let’s dive into the insights shared, including how to intentionally cultivate appreciology from the top-down, so your organization can thrive.

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Topics: Business Development, Employee satisfaction, Appreciology, Motivation, Employee retention

Seven Features of A Must-Read School Newsletter

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on Apr 17, 2024 2:33:09 PM

In the dynamic and fast-paced world of education, effective communication is the cornerstone of building strong, engaged communities. For school districts, a well-crafted newsletter serves as a conduit for sharing important updates, celebrating successes, and fostering a sense of belonging among students, parents, staff, and stakeholders.

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Topics: Engagement, Content Marketing, Branding, School Districts, Education, Communications, school communications, Strategic Communications

The Strategic Compass: Steering your Organization toward Success

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on Mar 18, 2024 1:44:50 PM

Strategic planning is the art of turning dreams into an actionable roadmap. It’s about setting goals and plotting the steps that will ensure an organization's growth and sustainability. It's a combination of foresight, resource allocation, and adaptability in a dynamic world. 

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Topics: Strategic Planning, Government

Empowering Student Voices: Shaping School Culture and Community

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on Feb 13, 2024 9:34:51 AM

In our recent Digital Leadership Academy Webinar, we explored the dynamic interplay between student voices and school leadership. Let’s dive into the insights shared, including why student voices matter, how to involve them in school decisions, and tips to better capture their perspectives.

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Topics: Engagement, School Districts, Communications

Thinking Strategically About Your Social Media as a Superintendent

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on Jan 10, 2024 5:14:34 PM

Education in the 21st century has experienced a technological revolution, changing the way we reach our audience and communicate with them. The world has gone digital, and social media has become a tool for communication, student and staff engagement and collaboration. As a school superintendent, it's important to understand the best practices for using social media effectively. In this post, we've gathered tips on how to engage with your audience, share your school district's highlights, and promote your most important priorities.

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Topics: Social Media, Engagement, Communications, school communications

The Art of Having Difficult Conversations

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on Dec 11, 2023 9:50:58 AM

As a leader, it's inevitable that you'll find yourself in challenging conversations from time to time. These can involve delivering tough news, giving constructive feedback, or addressing problematic behavior. But no matter the situation, it's crucial to approach these conversations with empathy and a calm and composed tone.

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Topics: Work Environment, Personal Growth, Communications

Case Study: Unveiling the Power of Strategic Planning in Schools

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on Nov 16, 2023 8:44:18 AM

In the dynamic landscape of education, strategic planning stands tall as the compass guiding institutions toward their goals.

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