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Mastering The Art of The Presentation: Orchestrate Your Way To Success

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on May 7, 2024 3:22:10 PM

In the realm of presentations, the difference between captivating your audience or losing their attention often lies in the orchestration of your delivery. Much like a symphony conductor commands the attention of an orchestra, a skilled presenter can captivate their audience by orchestrating a seamless blend of content, body language, and interaction. 

However, hitting the right notes in your presentation is no small feat, especially if you don’t follow the right preparatory steps. Let’s dive into the key elements of crafting an unforgettable presentation that leaves your audience engaged.

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Topics: Engagement, Business Development, Marketing, Personal Growth, Strategic Communications, Presentation Skills

3 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Social Media Presence This Fall

Posted by Natalie Eusebio on Oct 8, 2020 7:45:00 AM

2020 has been an interesting year for all of us! Whether the year has been moving in slow motion for you or if you feel like you blinked in March and now it’s October, there’s still time to focus on social media to engage your audience this year. Amid all the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have had a difficult time prioritizing social media content creation or consistency across your platform or you may not have been sure how to appropriately run your accounts. Whatever your dilemma, we can help!

No matter where you are with your social media strategy, we are giving you some easy and attainable ways to up your game before the holidays.

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Topics: Social Media, Content Marketing, Marketing, inbound marketing,

What is 3-30-3 Messaging & Why Does It Work?

Posted by Melanie Klag on Aug 31, 2020 9:37:49 AM

We live in a fast-paced, immediate satisfaction kind of world. Grabbing your audience’s attention quickly is a necessity. Your organization must be able to get its message or story across in an intriguing manner that draws the consumer in, convincing them that they need more. Then, deliver the rest of the message in a cohesive manner. That’s where our 3-30-3TM messaging strategy comes into play. You have three seconds to get their attention, 30 seconds to intrigue them a little more, and three minutes to fully relay your brand story. 3-30-3 is rooted in our psychology; it’s the way our brains operate! Here’s the complete breakdown of 3-30-3.

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Topics: Marketing Best Practices, Content Marketing, Marketing, Branding, inbound marketing,, messaging

The Top 5 Marketing Lessons Learned in 2019

Posted by Melanie Klag on Jan 30, 2020 4:45:00 PM

The Roaring 20s are back! As we enter 2020, the year of perfect vision, it is a great time to reflect on the lessons learned in 2019 and how we can use those to visualize our goals and dreams for a perfect 2020. Here are the top five lessons we learned in 2019 that will help shape marketing for 2020 and beyond.

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Topics: Social Media, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Marketing

Embracing Shutterstock's Rising Trends in Creative Design

Posted by Kelly Konya on Mar 18, 2019 8:13:00 AM

Every year, Shutterstock – a licensed footage, photography and music company based in New York City – releases a report of the top trends in creative design. Based on billions of image, video and music downloads from customers across the globe, Shutterstock’s most recent report was released this January and provided valuable insight into what will be this year’s most popular design and advertising choices.

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Topics: Online Content, Website Best Practices, Marketing Best Practices, Content Marketing Plan, Marketing, Digital Marketing

Here's Why Your Content Strategy is Failing (& Six Ways to Fix It)

Posted by Don Polyak on Jan 8, 2019 1:10:31 PM

The new year is here, and content is still king. What does this mean for your agency? For starters, it means that the content calendar remains an indispensable tool in your marketing arsenal.

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Topics: Content, Engagement, Content Marketing, Content Marketing Plan, Business Development, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Branding

Moral Purpose: Understanding Why You Do What You Do

Posted by Tom Speaks on Dec 19, 2018 9:01:03 AM

We’ve all heard someone say, “It took me forever to finish this,” or “I worked overtime last night.” We often share details about what we’ve done, but we rarely talk about the meaning.

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Topics: Business Development, Employee satisfaction, Marketing, Appreciology, Motivation, Employee retention, Work Environment

The Morning Routine: Your Secret Weapon for 2019

Posted by Chris DiMauro on Dec 5, 2018 1:14:19 PM

It’s happened a million times. You ignore the alarm clock, hit the snooze button for what seems like an eternity and finally (reluctantly) roll out of bed. Without a plan, you move aimlessly from one room to the next trying your best to remember what needs addressed before leaving the house.

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Topics: Optimization, Employee satisfaction, Marketing, Motivation, Work Environment

Incentivizing Your Top Employees: How and Why It Works

Posted by Don Polyak on Nov 20, 2018 9:18:39 AM

There’s truth behind the well-known statement: people don’t leave jobs; they leave leaders. Most often, employees will look for new jobs not because they are underpaid or overworked, but because they feel unappreciated and undervalued.

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Topics: Engagement, Employee satisfaction, Marketing, Appreciology, Motivation, Employee retention

Why You Should Be a Writer First, and a Marketer Second

Posted by Kelly Konya on Jul 20, 2018 1:45:13 PM

We've all heard the phrase, "The pen is mightier than the sword." 

In the world of marketing, this phrase has never been more true.

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Topics: Online Content, Marketing Best Practices, Content, Engagement, Content Marketing, Business Development, Marketing, Digital Marketing, Business Writing