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Mastering The Art of The Presentation: Orchestrate Your Way To Success

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on May 7, 2024 3:22:10 PM

In the realm of presentations, the difference between captivating your audience or losing their attention often lies in the orchestration of your delivery. Much like a symphony conductor commands the attention of an orchestra, a skilled presenter can captivate their audience by orchestrating a seamless blend of content, body language, and interaction. 

However, hitting the right notes in your presentation is no small feat, especially if you don’t follow the right preparatory steps. Let’s dive into the key elements of crafting an unforgettable presentation that leaves your audience engaged.

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Topics: Engagement, Business Development, Marketing, Personal Growth, Strategic Communications, Presentation Skills

The Art of Having Difficult Conversations

Posted by The Impact Group Digital Leadership Academy on Dec 11, 2023 9:50:58 AM

As a leader, it's inevitable that you'll find yourself in challenging conversations from time to time. These can involve delivering tough news, giving constructive feedback, or addressing problematic behavior. But no matter the situation, it's crucial to approach these conversations with empathy and a calm and composed tone.

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Topics: Work Environment, Personal Growth, Communications

In Defense of Resolutions

Posted by Chris DiMauro on Dec 31, 2018 9:18:44 AM

Bring on the New Year’s resolutions. Our annual declaration to the world that this is the year we will finally own it. Crush it. Achieve it.

I love the actionable detail of resolutions and the feelings of excitement and possibility that they inevitably elicit. There is a certain freedom in the idea of a clean slate and an opportunity to start fresh without looking back.

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Topics: Optimization, Appreciology, Motivation, Personal Growth