As a leader, it's inevitable that you'll find yourself in challenging conversations from time to time. These can involve delivering tough news, giving constructive feedback, or addressing problematic behavior. But no matter the situation, it's crucial to approach these conversations with empathy and a calm and composed tone.
The Art of Having Difficult Conversations
Topics: Work Environment, Personal Growth, Communications
We’ve all heard someone say, “It took me forever to finish this,” or “I worked overtime last night.” We often share details about what we’ve done, but we rarely talk about the meaning.
Topics: Business Development, Employee satisfaction, Marketing, Appreciology, Motivation, Employee retention, Work Environment
The Ultimate Metaphor for Personal Growth: The Bamboo Tree
- Do you have a goal set for yourself, but others cannot see it?
- Do you have something that matters to you, but others cannot comprehend its depth?
- Are you striving for something, but aren’t seeing results?
Topics: Engagement, Employee satisfaction, Appreciology, Motivation, Work Environment
10 Ways to Close your Emails that Guarantee a Prompt Response
When writing a business email, it is critical to make sure you structure the email in a professional way. From choosing the right recipient to having a clean body, a tidy email is paramount to effective communication.
Topics: Email, Email Marketing, Marketing, Work Environment, Office Spaces