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Getting Parents On Board: How to Communicate Your Strategic Plan

Posted by Natalie Eusebio on Aug 19, 2020 1:20:12 PM

For those who have been involved with a strategic plan of any kind before, the process makes sense and can even be exciting. For those who are hearing about it for the first time, it might be difficult to understand exactly what the end goal is, but a strategic plan can help a school district find continued success because it lays out goals and a timeline that you strive to achieve.


As a district leader, you know how important it is to have big ideas, goals and objectives steering your school buildings through the academic year. Here at The Impact Group, we love the research stage of strategic planning. It allows us to dig in and really understand not only what makes a school district tick but what we can contribute to help a district thrive even more.

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Topics: Strategic Planning, School Districts, Education, Communications, school communications

How to Develop an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Posted by Melanie Klag on Aug 12, 2020 7:30:00 AM

Content marketing refers to the strategic creation and use of content to tell your story in a consistent and cohesive matter. It encompasses all of the content your business or organization develops to bring awareness to your company, including website content, blogs, social media, email newsletters, marketing collateral, public relations and more. Generally speaking, content marketing is informational not promotional, and it can be highly effective when used properly.

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Topics: Online Content, Marketing Best Practices, SEO, Social Media, Content, Lead Generation, Content Marketing, Content Marketing Plan, Digital Marketing, inbound marketing,

You Have the Time: How to Find the Minutes You Swear You Don’t Have

Posted by Chris DiMauro on Aug 5, 2020 2:50:46 PM

We’ve all said it – usually referenced in times of great frustration, whether at home or on the job. The work has piled up, the jobs are seemingly endless, and the to-do list has no checkmarks. The words spill out quickly and furiously, as if uttering the phrase will magically change the fate of your current predicament. “I just don’t have the time.” Exhausted and irritated, you move on attempting to determine which of the unfinished items will prove most detrimental in the long run and ponder the best excuse you can provide to cover for it.

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Topics: Motivation, time management,, organization

You are the Narrator: Telling Your Story on Social Media

Posted by Natalie Eusebio on Jul 14, 2020 8:30:00 AM

It is no secret that people like to talk. Whether about the good or the ugly, word travels fast and far in the age of technology. Don’t be afraid to jump on the keyboard and take control of your story. With social media and blogging, you have the chance to be the narrator of your company’s story! With a little bit of practice and a few extra hands helping you out, you can create content that will tell your story from your own perspective, and help other people see the amazing things that you see.

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Topics: Social Media, inbound marketing,

School Districts Can Use Social Media Sentiment to Plan for Change

Posted by Natalie Eusebio on Jul 3, 2020 9:00:00 AM

As a school administrator, social media can feel overwhelming. Or, really LOUD. As you try to utilize the space, you may feel as though you can’t catch your breath in the midst of everyone else’s thoughts, opinions and posts. Whether you are having a positive or negative experience on social media, The Impact Group knows how to break through the chaos and not only make sense of all the chatter, but use these conversations as a tool to better your district.

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Topics: Social Media, School Districts, inbound marketing,

What Does it Mean to Lead?

Posted by Chris DiMauro on Jun 16, 2020 1:52:32 PM

When I step back to really think about it, I’ve been intrigued by the concept of leadership for as long as I can remember. I can vividly recollect asking myself why I wanted to listen to and engage with certain adults (or even other kids for that matter) while others couldn’t come close to grasping my attention. I secretly wondered why select teachers and coaches could get my best efforts while others couldn’t motivate or captivate me in the least. While I couldn’t define it at the time, I knew I would follow these special people anywhere and intuitively understood that doing what they asked of me would somehow prove beneficial. I knew that I wanted to be around certain individuals – they made me feel better about myself and the task or challenge at hand. They genuinely seemed to care about the outcomes that would impact me and my future development. 

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4 Ways to Boost Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Posted by Melanie Klag on Feb 6, 2020 10:00:09 AM

Inbound marketing is the process of attracting customers to your products and services rather than you reaching out directly to potential customers. A good inbound marketing strategy is well-rounded and includes content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, blogging and more to create brand awareness and attract new business. Because it is highly cost-effective (61% cheaper than outbound strategies according to SearchEngine Journal), it is a very popular (76% of marketers use inbound strategies according to HubSpot) method for getting your brand noticed. Is your organization doing it right?

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Topics: Online Content, Optimization, SEO, Social Media, Content Marketing, inbound marketing,

The Top 5 Marketing Lessons Learned in 2019

Posted by Melanie Klag on Jan 30, 2020 4:45:00 PM

The Roaring 20s are back! As we enter 2020, the year of perfect vision, it is a great time to reflect on the lessons learned in 2019 and how we can use those to visualize our goals and dreams for a perfect 2020. Here are the top five lessons we learned in 2019 that will help shape marketing for 2020 and beyond.

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Topics: Social Media, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Marketing

A Guide to Customizing a Content Calendar for the Academic Year

Posted by Tom Speaks on Mar 25, 2019 3:04:53 PM

Content marketing can never be successful if you don’t have a plan for what you hope to achieve. Is your school district engaging with parents through social media on a regular – if not daily – basis? How do you keep in touch with community members who aren’t a part of your district through social media?

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Topics: Social Media, Engagement, Content Marketing Plan, Outsourcing, School Districts, Education, Communications

Embracing Shutterstock's Rising Trends in Creative Design

Posted by Kelly Konya on Mar 18, 2019 8:13:00 AM

Every year, Shutterstock – a licensed footage, photography and music company based in New York City – releases a report of the top trends in creative design. Based on billions of image, video and music downloads from customers across the globe, Shutterstock’s most recent report was released this January and provided valuable insight into what will be this year’s most popular design and advertising choices.

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Topics: Online Content, Website Best Practices, Marketing Best Practices, Content Marketing Plan, Marketing, Digital Marketing